Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First Grades & Final Ideas

We got our grade back on our powerpoint presentations today and it turns out we were awarded with a 93 percent. No complaints there! :) Unfortunately, I just looked at module 2 and I'm freaking out about it a little bit because I've got so dang much to do next week and it's due Friday and yikes! ... plus it looks quite confusing, hopefully it will all make more sense tomorrow though!

Today was a great day in the further development of my final project, however! :) Yay!! I had a meeting with Carlos Fuentes of the IVAC and he has created a small organization SIP and we started brainstorming ideas and things that could go on a website that I'm hopefully going to make for them and then hand it off to Terry Walsh, their Web coordinator so that he can link it to the OVAC site and update it whenever he so chooses! I'm really excited about this project but have to run something by Ms. Durding first so I must be off to my e-mail to get that done.

:) :) :)

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