Thursday, November 11, 2010

Harry Potter 7 Part I Promotional Posters - Incredible!

The promotional campaign (poster-wise) for Harry Potter's newest installment is simply amazing. I am itching for this to just get to theatres already! Check out my favorites below. (There are so many, trust me, this is only about one third of the total.)

LOVE the three different taglines, as well. So subtle. (i.e. "Trust No One," "Nowhere is Safe," and "The Hunt Begins")

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Life Through Photos

(below) Me as a child, posin' like always.

(below right) With my big sisters (Christmas 2009).

(below left) Dancing with my dad at my cousin Nick's wedding, summer 2010.

(below right) My friend Gretchen and me goofing around at Winter Carnival 2009, an awesome festival held in my hometown of Houghton, Mich. each winter by Michigan Technological University (where my dad works).

(left) Participants in Take the Walk an event I coordinated while a member of IVAC's eboard in 2010 to raise money for children in Africa.

(right) With U.P. and MSU legend, coach Tom Izzo, at the Izzone Campout my sophomore year.

(above left) A picture from my study abroad experience, in Greece, during summer 2010; this is me with a fellow classmate in Santorini. (below left) That same summer, I traveled to Italy for ten days, following the program, with three other students. Simply incredible.

(right) With fellow Traverse City Film Festival 2009 (TCFF) interns, where we had some of the best times of our lives.

(right) Side note: This is not me. This is my celebrity look-a-like. During my TCFF internship, I could not seem to get around the festival (and other places subsequently) without being told I "look like Juno." Go figure.

(left) "A friendship divided." Pictured here is me with my best friend while we were tailgated for the 2010 MSU vs. U-M football matchup - gotta represent my Spartans, even when in Wolverine land.

(right) Images from a few different shoots that I either helped organized or styled - or both - for the VIM Magazine fall 2010 issue.

(left) Me with the VIM magazine creative and beauty directors, respectively, at our first launch party to support our debut issue (held at The Post Bar in East Lansing, Mich.).

(right) The cover of VIM Magazine's first-ever issue, released Nov. 1, 2010.

It's Been A While

I realize it has been quite a while since my last post and I really am truly awful at updating this thing, but I can promise you I have been hard at work on many of my career goals, though where to go from here remains a tricky thought.

One thing I would like to point out (if you like my opinion on things) is that I have been doing all of the entertainment reviews at since the beginning of summer, in addition to many other blogposts for the magazine.

Work has been extremely slow on my portfolio site but I should have some much needed time to work on it come winter break from school, so get ready. ;)

In other accomplishments, the first issue of VIM Magazine is out and I have been doing tons of work at my internship with RHSMC, one of my main jobs is updating our construction log (I get to actually dabble in taking photographs!), as well as on other extracurricular projects at MSU, like IVAC and VIM.

I look forward to sharing everything with you in more depth via my portfolio, pending link of